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Nutrition and Health

Promoting Health Through a Focus on Nutritional Data

Som vejleder er du afhængig af de oplysninger, klienten giver i forhold til ernæring og motion.

Selvrapportering, som er et af de redskaber, som anvendes, giver ofte et falskt billede af de faktiske forhold, da Underrapportering- ikke kun af fødeindtag, men generelt er et kendt fænomen.

Derfor bør selvrapportering være så realistisk som muligt i bestræbelserne på at give den optimale vejledning til klinikeren. En kostdag kan være en mulig løsning.

Kostdagbog video
Suzy Wengel, SenseMyDiet

Health entrepreneurs are passionate about both health and entrepreneurship and naturally want to focus their time and resources on that. The DataMentor platform makes this possible through configuration tailored to your innovative health service. In other words, you have the opportunity to bypass large investments in technology, certifications, and data processing complexities by becoming a 'tenant' on DataMentor. Of course, in a setup where your service operates in its own dedicated environment.

In Suzy’s words:“We help create sustainable weight loss and a healthy lifestyle without restrictive calorie counting and a dull diet mentality. That’s what Sense is all about!
In collaboration with Unikk.me, we demonstrated how grocery purchase data could help maintain focus on exactly this… all with a technology investment that remained within reasonable limits.”
Suzy Wengel
Front figure of Sense



Maintaining dietary habits using purchasing data

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Incorporate health data when interacting with professionals

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Identification of Atrial Fibrillation

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Type 2 Diabetes

Tailored to the Individual

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